Friday, November 29, 2019
An airline pilot goes for his regular free essay sample
A newspaper columnist signs a contract with a newspaper chain. Several months later she is offered a position with another newspaper chain at a higher salary. Because she would prefer making more money, she notifies the first chain that she is breaking her contract. The courts will decide the legality of her action. But what of the morality? Did the columnist behave ethically? An airline pilot goes for his regular medical checkup. The doctor discovers that he has developed a heart murmur. The pilot only has a month to go before he is eligible for retirement. The doctor know this and wonders whether, under these unusual circumstances, she is justified in withholding the information about the pilots condition. Group B: An office worker had a record of frequent absence. He used all his vacation and sick leave days and frequently requested additional leave without pay. His supervisor and co-workers expressed great frustration because his absenteeism caused bottlenecks in paperwork, created low morale in the office, and required others to do his work in addition to their own. We will write a custom essay sample on An airline pilot goes for his regular or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page On the other hand, he felt he was entitled to take his earned time and additional time off without pay. Was he right? Rhonda enjoys socializing with fellow employees at work, but their discussion usually consists of gossiping about other people, including several of her friends. At first Rhonda feels uncomfortable talking in this way about people she is close to, but then she decided it does no real harm and she feels no remorse for joining in. Please wait until at least Thursday to begin working on this assignment so you can include the information we are learning in the threads and in our readings in your thought processes. Assignments Choose between these two groups of problems, noting that there are two problems in each group: Group A: A newspaper columnist signs a contract with a newspaper chain. Several months later she is offered a position with another newspaper chain at a higher salary. Because she would prefer making more money, she notifies the first chain that she is breaking her contract. The courts will decide the legality of her action. But what of the morality? Did the columnist behave ethically? An airline pilot goes for his regular medical checkup. The doctor discovers that he has developed a heart murmur. The pilot only has a month to go before he is eligible for retirement. The doctor know this and wonders whether, under these unusual circumstances, she is justified in withholding the information about the pilots condition. Group B: An office worker had a record of frequent absence. He used all his vacation and sick leave days and frequently requested additional leave without pay. His supervisor and co-workers expressed great frustration because his absenteeism caused bottlenecks in paperwork, created low morale in the office, and required others to do his work in addition to their own. On the other hand, he felt he was entitled to take his earned time and additional time off without pay. Was he right? Rhonda enjoys socializing with fellow employees at work, but their discussion usually consists of gossiping about other people, including several of her friends. At first Rhonda feels uncomfortable talking in this way about people she is close to, but then she decided it does no real harm and she feels no remorse for joining in. Please wait until at least Thursday to begin working on this assignment so you can include the information we are learning in the threads and in our readings in your thought processes. Assignments Choose between these two groups of problems, noting that there are two problems in each group: Group A: A newspaper columnist signs a contract with a newspaper chain. Several months later she is offered a position with another newspaper chain at a higher salary. Because she would prefer making more money, she notifies the first chain that she is breaking her contract. The courts will decide the legality of her action. But what of the morality? Did the columnist behave ethically? An airline pilot goes for his regular medical checkup. The doctor discovers that he has developed a heart murmur. The pilot only has a month to go before he is eligible for retirement. The doctor know this and wonders whether, under these unusual circumstances, she is justified in withholding the information about the pilots condition. Group B: An office worker had a record of frequent absence. He used all his vacation and sick leave days and frequently requested additional leave without pay. His supervisor and co-workers expressed great frustration because his absenteeism caused bottlenecks in paperwork, created low morale in the office, and required others to do his work in addition to their own. On the other hand, he felt he was entitled to take his earned time and additional time off without pay. Was he right? Rhonda enjoys socializing with fellow employees at work, but their discussion usually consists of gossiping about other people, including several of her friends. At first Rhonda feels uncomfortable talking in this way about people she is close to, but then she decided it does no real harm and she feels no remorse for joining in. Please wait until at least Thursday to begin working on this assignment so you can include the information we are learning in the threads and in our readings in your thought processes.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on Roosevelts New Deal
Roosevelt's New Deal On July 2, 1932, at the Democratic National Convention, the crowd listened intently to the phrase,†I pledge you, I pledge myself to a new deal for the American people.†The New Deal name was soon applied to the program of reform and recovery instituted by Franklin Delano Roosevelt. During the early part of the Great Depression, the economy had ground to a halt as a result of the stock market crashing and the unemployment rates skyrocketed as businesses shut down. Only a very small portion of the population actually held stock. The cause of the Great Depression was really a result of shallow economical prosperity. Most of the farmers and other industries struggled in the 1920’s. Low prices, suppressed wages and production material prices, and lopsided distribution of income all influenced the spiraling effect of the Great Depression. The relative greed of businesses in terms of profit margins and little interest in the increase of wages and positive working environ ments also played a role. By not making allowances for increasing wages, businesses essentially reduced the spending power of the workforce. This made the products these workers helped to produce unavailable to them. The banking industries were also involved by reacting inappropriately to economical trends right before the crash. An increase in credit flexibility might have helped reduce some of the dramatic effects of the stock market crash. The relative reduction in disposable income as well as an inflexible credit system created a dramatic reduction in spending and effectively promoted a drastic reduction in the value of the dollar. When the market crashed, all of these factors that were hidden by a general belief in permanent wealth and prosperous trends sent the economy into a tale spin. Many believed that the United States would decline into dissolution and little faith was placed with the current policies of Herbert Hoover’s administratio... Free Essays on Roosevelt's New Deal Free Essays on Roosevelt's New Deal Roosevelt's New Deal On July 2, 1932, at the Democratic National Convention, the crowd listened intently to the phrase,†I pledge you, I pledge myself to a new deal for the American people.†The New Deal name was soon applied to the program of reform and recovery instituted by Franklin Delano Roosevelt. During the early part of the Great Depression, the economy had ground to a halt as a result of the stock market crashing and the unemployment rates skyrocketed as businesses shut down. Only a very small portion of the population actually held stock. The cause of the Great Depression was really a result of shallow economical prosperity. Most of the farmers and other industries struggled in the 1920’s. Low prices, suppressed wages and production material prices, and lopsided distribution of income all influenced the spiraling effect of the Great Depression. The relative greed of businesses in terms of profit margins and little interest in the increase of wages and positive working environ ments also played a role. By not making allowances for increasing wages, businesses essentially reduced the spending power of the workforce. This made the products these workers helped to produce unavailable to them. The banking industries were also involved by reacting inappropriately to economical trends right before the crash. An increase in credit flexibility might have helped reduce some of the dramatic effects of the stock market crash. The relative reduction in disposable income as well as an inflexible credit system created a dramatic reduction in spending and effectively promoted a drastic reduction in the value of the dollar. When the market crashed, all of these factors that were hidden by a general belief in permanent wealth and prosperous trends sent the economy into a tale spin. Many believed that the United States would decline into dissolution and little faith was placed with the current policies of Herbert Hoover’s administratio...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Business Submission Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Business Submission - Assignment Example In compliance with Principle 1, our organization has several initiatives in place such as a response process to deal with any employee who may have any grievances pertaining to the violation of their human rights. In addition, we view employees as important assets and hence free communication is fully supported by the management giving the employees an opportunity to air any views that they may have. Principle 8 PracticesEver since our invention, we have been operating under the notion of prevailing in concert with the environment rather than be at odds with it. As compared to other data centers globally, our data centers save up to 50% on energy which is a rather big achievement given how very few companies consider this.We encourage employees to take part in environmental responsiveness via implementing practices that target waste reduction, recycling, and reusing. For instance, we host farmers’ markets and sustainable cooking seminars as a way of setting an example to the e mployees on â€Å"going green†. Currently, our facilities are powered by renewable energy. We have taken the initiative to invest in renewable energy projects that help us take part in minimizing the impact of carbon dioxide on the rest of the world.Given that we are highly involved in practices that comply with principles 1 and 8 of the Un Global Compact principles, we believe that are capable of endorsing recommendations that will guide other businesses in compliance with these Global Compact Principles.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Cross Cultural Implications For a UK Manager Undertaking an Essay
The Cross Cultural Implications For a UK Manager Undertaking an International Business - Essay Example If the cross- cultural effects are not addressed, this can lead to conflict and lack of business resolution especially by business managers. There are various forms of cultures that influence the performance of a business manager in another different culture. These factors are widely categorized as group culture, organizational culture and national culture. The national culture in a different country greatly influences the way in which a manager performs and hence the need to assess the cross cultural implications of a UK manager who is undertaking an international business assignment in another country. This will be done with reference to Hofstede and bond theories and also according to Trompenaars and Hall theories (Moody, Bebensee and Carter, 2008, p. 89). Hofstede (2001) Theory Of Cross Cultural Implications Culture is the way of life of a people and for a business manager to work competently in a cross cultural environment he needs to learn how to understand the cross culture an d competently perform in the different cultural environment. It is important that he learns the implications of cultural diversity. Hofstede four cross cultural implications that may aid business managers on international businesses to competently perform despite the change in culture. ... United Kingdom being a developed country has Low Power Distance (LPD) since the level of integrity, education and ethics is high. However, African countries are characterized by High Power Distance (HPD) since the margin between the intellect and the poor is very great. In a situation where a UK based manager is posed in an African country, embracing HPD will be a difficult task for the manager to accomplish. This is since the manager is used to power balance and following protocols to accomplish business deal. However, in Africa, superiors make the core of the decisions with minimal consultation to the managers. The running of the business is a top level endeavor hence challenging the performance of the UK based manager. Moreover, despite being assertive, the UK manager is inculcated into a community whereby subordinates are not consulted in decision making and the top level administration is not questioned. The issue of power distance is an example of a cross cultural implication t hat a UK based manager carrying out an international business in an African country will face during his business in Africa (Lim, 2004, p. 27). Secondly, individualism and collectivism is another cross cultural concept that Hofstede emphasizes in his cross cultural theory. According to him, individualists are more concerned about themselves and their gain while collectivists are concerned about the gain of the whole group. A country where individualism is rampant is in the United States, UK and Germany while the countries will collectivism are Asia and African countries. Basing on this documented evidence, the UK based manager has individualistic aspect and he has gone for an international
Monday, November 18, 2019
The Nuer Tribe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
The Nuer Tribe - Essay Example Central Sudan, where the capital Khartoum is located, is the urban region where most of the population resides. Speaking 300 different languages, the different tribes have a history of infighting since time immemorial. Famine and the almost incessant fighting between the tribes have always been catalysts for the social and economic deterioration of Sudan (Sharp 147). The main ethnic tribes are the Dinka (12%), Nuba (8%), Beja (6%), Nuer (5%) and Azande (3%) (Lye 294). Probably the most important of these is the Nuer tribe not only because its habitat, the swamps of Sudd, might contain vast oil deposits that is currently being explored by Chevron Oil Company (Luciani 88) but it is 'the largest political segment of a people defined by a common language and a sense of common identity" and "the tribe was the largest population who not only claims a common territory but acknowledge the right of their members to compensation for injury" (Bhushan & Malik 106). southern Sudan in the region called the Sudd, which is a Nile-fed swamp as large as the US state of Maine. The Nuer tribe habitat is therefore the flood-plains of the White Nile and its tributaries and extends southwards to Abyssinia (Wellcome Tropical Research Laboratories 325). The Nuer habitat is about 500 kilometers south of Khartoum. The Nuer tri The Nuer tribe is part of the 3 major Nilotic tribes in southern Sudan, the other two being the Dinka and the Shilluk tribes, which physically bear resemblance to each other but each speak different languages and has its own customs and traditions. As a people, the Nuer tribe is divided into clans that in the 1930 census were identified to have numbered to 17 clans with a total population of 247,000 and which are scattered throughout southern Sudan in their own villages. Each clan averages about 14,529 Nuers in the 1930 census which had grown to 35,351 Nuers per clan in the 1955 census (Kelly 161). Recent years have placed the Nuer population at 1.5 million. The different Nuer clans are predatory and are very successful in their belligerent activities because albeit scattered, they are unified, manifesting capacity to unite on a large scale and to organize swift large-scale raids. The Nuer internal unity and its organizational skills are impressive unlike its main warfare victim, th e Dinka tribe groups which are "politically autonomous and do not unite in warfare or for any other purpose". A chink in the Nuer unity and kinship however shows, when a few Nuer clans i.e. the Jagei, the Western Jikany and Eastern Jikany oftentimes clash not only with the Dinka enemy but also with fellow Nuer clans (Kelly 160). The Nuer clans always fight for territorial expansion and this expansionism and predisposition to territorial appropriation had been rooted in the Nuer sociocultural system (Kelly 226). Since early times, the Nuer tribes
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Life And Marriage Of Hosea Religion Essay
The Life And Marriage Of Hosea Religion Essay Hosea was a prophet who lived and prophesied just before the destruction of Israel in about 722 BC. During this time, the prophet Hosea was preaching in the Northern Kingdom of Israel. He began his work as a prophet after Amos. This was probably before the end of Jeroboam IIs reign. It is believed that he continued to reign until after the Assyrian had captured Samaria in around 721 BC. It was the troubled times before the fall of Samaria. The writer says that, during this dangerous period, Hosea seemed to ignore threats that the Assyrians had imposed. Instead he was very much concerned on what he sees as root causes of Israelites problems. He further says that Hosea loved the land, he loved his people and he was sure that God loved them too (Drane, 1987:126). It seems as if he was especially concerned about the idolatry of the people and their faithfulness towards God. THE MARRIAGE OF HOSEA If we read Hosea 1:2f, we see how the Lord first spoke to the nation of Israel through the prophet Hosea. God gave Hosea the message that was seen through a personal tragedy in his on life. The message that he received from God was that he should go and get married to a woman called Gomer. He was also told that his wife would be unfaithful. But Matthews argues that, was Hosea a Levite? If he were a Levite, it would mean that he was not going to do the duties or perform in the Northern Kingdom as a priest due to the sins of Jeroboam that would exclude him from the cult. (the sins of Jeroboam were the actions taken by King Jeroboam I to establish a separate identity for the northern kingdom. These sins became the hallmark of an evil king) (2001:182). Nevertheless, Matthew asks a question in his book whether Gomer was a prostitute before Hosea married her. He argues that if Gomer was a prostitute, then the tension between his prophetic role and his priestly background would be heightened, since a Levite would have been forbidden by law to marry a prostitute according to Leviticus 21:14-15. He does not agree that Hosea was a Levite for the metaphor to work. However, the writer argues that Hoseas dysfunctional marriage was serving as a metaphor for Yahwehs bad relationship with Israel (2001:75). Some scholars believed that Hoseas wife Gomer was a temple prostitute that the prophet would marry. This was according to his own understanding of Gods relationship with his people Israel. However, scholars believe that her sexual behaviour was quite unexpected. There after Hosea married Gomer as a wife, the daughter of Diblaim. Hosea bears three children to his wife, however, in chapter 1:3, the Bible states that Hosea went and took Gomer and she conceived and bore him a son. We therefore see that the bible says that she bore him the first son, but the rest of the children are not clear. It seem as if Gomer got the other two children out of prostitution as seen in other scholars like Wellhausen, who argues that when Hosea was marring his wife, he did not realize that the wife was unfaithful till after the birth of the children (Bentzen, 1959:131). These three children were given symbolic names that would convey a message about the ruin of the nation. In 2 Kings 9:15-26, the first-born was called Jezreel. He was given this name as a reminder about the strategic valley where Jehu had defeated the son of Ahab. This simply meant that the King who was there during that time was a descendant of Jehu, who owed his power to Yahweh. And Yahweh could easily get his power. It is believed that this valley was the most fertile place of Israel. Moreover, in Hosea 2: 9, Yahweh says that He will take back all his gifts. This name Jezreel was like a warning that the covenant between God and Israel will be dissolved. In fact the name Jezreel was a prophecy name following the destruction of the dynasty. The second born was given a name called unloved. The second child symbolizes that Yahweh would not have pity and have no mercy after the unfaithful. This was a declaration that the people of Israel seemed to have gone beyond the love and forgiveness of God. In Hosea 1: 6, it clearly shows that Yahweh lost his patience with his people. It was during this time that Hosea was condemning the social injustices of his time. The other was called not my people. The Israelites identity as Yahwehs people was cancelled. Israelites were very proud of themselves as Gods chosen nation. According to Hosea 2:8-9, we see how God had made a promise with the Israelites that He would give them land and children. It was the covenant that God had made with the people of Israel. However, the people of Israel had destroyed the covenant by been unfaithful to Yahweh. For them to have abundant harvest, they started to worship other god called Baal. (Matthews 2001: 75). By so doing, the people of Israel believed that they would become prosperous and have bumper harvest by observing the fertility rites of Baal worship. In addition, these same rituals took part in the very same sexual indulgence that had badly damaged Hoseas marriage life. As Gomer says in Hosea 2:5, the people of Israel would say that, I will go to my lovers they give me food and water, wool and linen, olive oil and wine. This was how the people of Israel who had turned away from God were thinking about their god Baal. They had turned away from God and start worshipping other gods like Baal because of what they could get out of him e.g. things like prostitution and the love of money. Even though things were like that, the prophet Hosea had known that it was Israelites own God Yahweh who all the things as seen in Hosea 2:8. From the above passage mentioned above, we see that during this time, the people of Israel were acknowledging Yahweh only with their lips while their hearts were far from God. A lot of people were practicing syncretism during this period because they worshipped both Yahweh and Baal at the same time. These people involved themselves in different activities that were against God as mentioned above. It was at this particular time that the Israelites had lost their spiritual faiths. WHAT DOES HOSEAS MARRIAGE SYMBOLISE? In this narrative I hold the view that this was historical. The narrative actually reflects Hoseas experience in his life. This was a story that would portray a teaching. This was so because if Hosea had married a prostitute, most people would have condemned Hosea for marrying a prostitute. Moreover, some scholars suggest that Gomer became a prostitute after marriage (Hosea1: 2). However, Pfeiffer states that the first wife that Hosea had married was not a prostitute but she was a foreign woman, Gomer from Diblataim in Moab. He further argued that the woman in chapter 3 was a second wife. This was the one who was a real prostitute. He says that the first marriage shows the failure of Israelites with the national God El eljon in Jerusalem, while the second shows the failure with the tribal God Yahweh. He assumes that the two chapters speak of different women, and says that a second woman was a common streetwalker who was purchased by Hosea at the price of an ordinary slave. The woman was kept privately for a long time as a symbol of Israels impending loss of kings, prince and cultic implements, he said. Pfeiffer mentions that the first two chapters did not mean that Gomer was a prostitute, he explains the word wholedoms as religious apostasy as seen in 12,4 and 6 cf 4,12 and 5,4b. According to him, the wife and children were involved in (religious) fornication because it was believed that the whole land was in such a state. Other scholars suggest that the chapters mentioned above, the Hebrew word prostitute means fornication while Hosea 1:4 means adultery. This would suggest that the prophet did not marry a prostitute. They suggest that Gomer became a prostitute later. Some scholars still would suggest that Gomer was not a commercial prostitute but a Temple prostitute. Therefore she was not immoral character. The story portrays that Hoseas marriage was a symbol of the relationship of Yahweh and his people Israel. This gives us a clear picture as a symbol to the Israelites of their adultery against their husband, God. In Hosea 1:4; 2:1 is about the message of Hosea. We read how Gomer had left her husband and went after men. When Gomer left, Hosea was annoyed with her, but later she was forgiven. Hosea 3: 1f states how Gomer was brought back from slavery and Hosea accepted her as his wife. Here we see how much love Hosea had for his wife and would not let her go. In the same manner, Yahweh has much love for his people, no wonder why it was his wish to bring the people and redeem them. From the message above, it shows that Hosea used his marriage to show the love of God to his people. The bible tells us that God loved the Israelites despite their sins against God. I therefore agree with some scholars who say that Gomer became a prostitute after the marriage. This is so because God would not commend his servant to marry a prostitute woman. Von Rad suggests that if a woman is adulterous, it does not necessarily mean that she is a prostitute. He further says that a woman took part in Canaanite fertility rites. CONCLUSION Hosea is believed to have lived after the fall of Samaria in 721. His main message was probably due to the perplexed period when Jehus dynasty came to an end ca.745. He says though the Israelites were unfaithful to Yahweh, He never rejected them. From the story above Hosea used his marriage to show Gods love to his people. His marriage portrays that it was a symbol of the relationship between Yahweh and his people.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Prodigal Son in Great Expectations Essay -- Great Expectations Essa
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens is an elaborate retelling of the Biblical parable of the prodigal son (Ryken 157). It follows the life of Pip as he rises through and falls from society. He begins his life as an orphaned boy in a blacksmith’s home to become a young gentleman of â€Å"great expectations†. Pip forsakes the love and care of his guardian, Joe Gargery, for advancement in society. Misfortunes befall him; he loses all his wealth and he is forced to return to his home. Pip is the prodigal son who ungratefully leaves his home and squanders all his wealth. Joe Gargery is the loving father who patiently forbears and lovingly welcomes his boy back. Pip’s redemption is revealed in the novel. Great Expectations is a bildungsroman; it is a novel which shows the education of Pip. Pip learns about the corruptness of society and the shallowness of social class. In true Victorian fashion, Dickens’ novel is a form of social criticism; it attacks the conc eited notions of society. The allusion to the parable prodigal son is hinted at early in the novel. Mr. Pumblechook and Mr. Wopsle constantly admonish Pip to be â€Å"‘grateful†¦to them which brought [him] up by hand’†(Dickens 54). Mr. Wopsle declares that â€Å"‘swine were the companions of the prodigal’†and an ungrateful child is worse than swine (Dickens 26). Mrs. Joe often reproaches Pip for being ungrateful. She resents having to raise Pip up since his infancy. However, Mrs. Joe abuses Pip (Ryken 156). She whips him for unnecessary reasons and is annoyed by any question he asks. The person to whom Pip owes his gratitude to is Joe. Joe had â€Å"sanctified†his home, making it a â€Å"pleasant place†(Dickens 112). Like the father in the parable, Joe loves Pip wholeheartedly and unconditionally.... ...oe, his two fathers who devoted their lives for his happiness. Pip’s journey home demonstrates that he has learned the important lesson of gratitude. Like other literature of the Victorian Age, Great Expectations is a novel which provides entertainment, social criticism, and moral lessons. Bibliography Primary Source Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations. New York: Bantam, 1986. Print. Secondary Sources The Bible: Authorized King James Version with Apocrypha. New York: Oxford UP, 1997. Kappel, Lawrence, ed. Readings on Great Expectations. San Diego: Greenhaven, 1999. Print. Ryken, Leland. Realms of Gold: The Classics in Christian Perspective. Wheaton, IL: H. Shaw, 1991. Print. "Redemption and Love". Brooklyn College: Department of English. 11 May 2002. Web. 10 Dec. 2010..
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