Friday, January 24, 2020
To what extent do you find this a satisfactory ending to the novel - :: English Literature
To what extent do you find this a satisfactory ending to the novel - chap6 Salinas River consequences of Lennies actions. To what extent do you find this a satisfactory ending to the novel? Chapter 6 takes place at the Salinas River in the late afternoon where we see the consequences of Lennies actions. After murdering Curley's wife in the barn, Lennie has gone on the run and hides in the brush. George finds Lennie and tries to give him a fear free death. This is probably the most moving chapter of the novel. In many ways I find it a satisfying ending, but there is also an element of surprise in the fact that it is George who kills his best friend Lennie, although Steinbeck has prepared us with the death of Candy's dog and Curleys wife. The impact of the ending is very poignant and touching as I feel sympathy for Lennie as I feel I understand him better than the other characters that have died. The link between the beginning of the novel and the end makes it more complete as there is a full circle. The setting that they're in, along the Salinas River with men shouting, and the reason why they are there are also similar to the beginning of the novel and this has looped. Lennie is running from this ranch, the same as in the beginning as they ran away from Weed. But the previous reason was not as serious as this one. Lennie had been accused of raping a woman, whereas this instance he has murdered one. The only other difference in this is that Lennie expects George to follow him and they would both escape together, but that was not to be the story. This was unexpected in the way that George killed Lennie, but Lennie had done too many bad things and this time he had crossed over the line and George had had enough. Lennies hallucination shows how he's imitating all the people close to him. This could be a sign of him going insane and not knowing what to do. When George arrives at the brush, Lennie is trying to make him follow the same ritual by first of all waiting as George tells him off, and then attempts to make him feel guilty by saying how he could run away and live in a cave. After that George would feel sorry for Lennie and they would make up and talk about the ranch and the rabbits. Lennie thinks that he is succeeding, but it creates an empathetic mood when George finally shoots Lennie.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Pfizer information systems Essay
Pfizer is a health organization in form of a pharmaceutical company. It has its headquarters in London. Due to the wide distribution of activities within the corporation however, success of its activities has been through the use of Clinical Management System (CMS). This is management software, which is in a form of a wide scope of database that support the storage, processing and release of information across different departments. In 2000, this information system database won the top honor towards care management. The nature of the database is inform of a complex autonomy of information sourcing, storage and dissemination center to the various departments within the organization. (http://ieeexplore. ieee. org/Xplore/login. jsp? url=/iel5/6709/20043/00926806. pdf? arnumber=926806) It has been an important implement towards the maintenance of patient records in electronic forms. It helps in providing support for the providers of primary care, care managers, health professionals and nurses with the most appropriate framework for decision-making. Within its system, CMS database holds records about the outlay of various chronic diseases. Elsewhere, it is equipped with the health information of various patients which is seen as an important step towards offering adequate performance lifestyle in the care management for the patients. (http://www. pfizer. com. my/01b_bus. asp) To Pfizer, CMS database system was developed as a solution towards patients care management. It has been a tool for supplement health care management in various institutional process management within the organization. A complex autonomy of data is held within its system which captures patient health history, chronic diseases, and medical attention given to them above others. Decision support for patients is attained through the provision of information across various departments within the organization. The database helps the professionals for health care in collected the most appropriate medical history, laboratory data, medical data information on treatment status, symptoms and other basic patient information. Within its system also, treatment information on patients that have diabetes, depression and heart failure is maintained. It also has a component of modules that are used by health care professionals in facilitating health lifestyles. Consequently, an approach towards lifestyles that help to reduce the risks involved in cardiovascular disease is provided. (http://www. pfizerhealthsolutions. com/media/071301_award. asp) Therefore, CMS is a risk management database system where information which is patient specific is stored. Consequently, the stored information is thus configured towards providing the most appropriate real-time analyzed decision support structures to the caregivers. The application of the information held in the system involves trained nurses as well as care managers who are licensed to use various program protocols under strict supervision of a specialist. They then deliver the most appropriate care towards the success of the patients. It has various clinical features and functions aimed at patient care management. Generally, Pfizer Health solutions have been known in offering and enhancing efficiency and quality in health care delivery. This would perhaps be a simple structure of database CMS information system.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Trust Is Obtainable To The Health Care Staff That...
Trust is obtainable to the health care staff that consistently grounds their thoughts on the well-being of all their patients. It is imperative for health care staff to open their understanding to minorities in regard to cultural differences and the deterrents aiding their distrust of medical staff. Moreover, the collaborative effort of the United States (U.S.) healthcare system that helped improve and hindered the growth of trust between the minorities and health care staff. Understanding every aspect that has improved trust and leads to mistrust in the minorities is crucial to building a successful health care facility. To develop effective strategies that build trust in minority groups there needs to be a focus on analyzing factors†¦show more content†¦Analyzing the element that lead to distrust is crucial, but without understanding the importance of building trust there cannot be growth to improve health care employees’ conduct and procedures. Trust is the key to treating and maintaining minority patients’ health and building trust in the minority communities. Distrust causes a ripple effect that can be felt all the way down to the administration department and can leave a negative imprint in the quality provided by the health care facilities. Trust is crucial for properly diagnosing and treating minority groups. The elderly minority group for example, commonly deals with a language barrier which can unfortunately lead to misdiagnosis and misunderstanding of pharmaceutical directions. They also are influenced by many factors including family, cultural differences, and home remedies (Byrd el al, 2007). A physician or medical staff member cannot treat a minority patient efficiently without gaining the trust of the patient because distrust leaves negative variables that will negatively influence patients’ medical care and treatment. 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